Date and Time
Thursday Oct 10, 2024 Friday Oct 11, 2024
Raleigh Convention Center
500 S Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27601
Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
Book your group rate for American Council of Engineering Companies of NC (ACE/NC)
Last Day to Book: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
The conference is sold out and not accepting additional or day-of registrations.
Early Bird ACEC/NC Member Registration (Before 9/10): $400.00
ACEC/NC Member Registration (After 9/10): $450.00
Non-Member Registration (Opens 8/27): $500.00
Deadline to Register: September 27th or until sold out
Deadline for Refunds: September 20th (Please contact us to send a substitute.)
Contact Information
Jessica Hartong
Send Email
After thoughtful consideration, we have decided to proceed with the Joint Transportation Conference as scheduled. We believe this will provide an opportunity for community connection and support during this challenging time, and also allow for an update from NCDOT leadership.
If you have been impacted by the storm and are unable to attend, please contact our office for a refund.
Registration and Sponsorship opportunities will open for ACEC/NC members on August 13th. Registration for non-members will open August 27th. Please stay tuned for the announcement via email. If you do not receive ACEC/NC emails, please email Tammy Bromley to be added to the list.
ACEC/NC NCDOT Transportation Conference, the largest transportation event in the state, explores the latest transportation innovations and provides attendees with the chance to network with other professionals.
This year we are featuring the North Carolina Mobi Awards during the lunch hour. Stay tuned for more information on these amazing projects!
Thursday, October 10th
Stop by the evening before and enjoy an opportunity to network with colleagues, NCDOT Raleigh and Division-based staff, exhibitors and conference sponsors!
5:00pm - 7:00pm Small Business Showcase (begins at 5:00pm)
5:30pm - 7:00pm Opening Reception (begins at 5:30pm)
-Mezzanine, Raleigh Convention Center
Friday, October 11th
7:15 am Registration and Breakfast Buffet
8:15 am General Session
Updates provided by ACEC/NC Leadership, FHWA, and the NCDOT Secretary's Office
9:15 am Networking Break
10:00 am Concurrent Sessions
P3 Panel Session
Moderated by Chris Peoples, NCDOT
NEPA/Project Delivery
Applying Innovative Solutions Using Geospatial Technology to Correct Past Environmental Justice Mistakes in Transportation Planning
Tampa’s Westshore Interchange
Transportation Technology & CAVs
Are We There Yet, To Deploy an AI Assistant
Design Build for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Construction & Asset Management
I-26 Green River Bridge Rehab Project
Harkers Island Bridge Construction with Carbon Fiber Reinforcement
11:45 am Lunch and Mobi Awards
1:15 pm Networking Break
2:00 pm Concurrent Sessions
The Economics of Mobility
Ethics in Engineering
Transportation Technology & CAVs
Combining Aerial Mapping, Terrestrial Scanning, Multibeam and Side Scan Sonar Data for Waterway Infrastructure for Resiliency and Rehabilitation
Practical Uses of 3D Design for Virtual Constructability Reviews
Risk & Resiliency
Resilient Routes: Assessing Vulnerability and Criticality for the Town of Leland
Town of Ashland Flood and Resiliency Plan
3:15pm Networking Break
3:45pm Concurrent Sessions
After the Storm: Aviation’s Role in Hurricane Recovery
NEPA/Project Delivery
ATLAS Map: Cloud-Powered Efficiency Paired with Geospatial Analysis to Enhance Project Delivery
Beyond 77
Risk & Resiliency
Enhancing Transportation Resilience: NCDOT’s Strategic Initiatives and Innovations
Are You Future Ready? Planning for a Resilient Kansas
Construction & Asset Management
Multichannel Ground Penetrating Radar for Transportation Applications
5:00pm - 6:00pm Closing Reception