Date and Time
Thursday Oct 10, 2024 Friday Oct 11, 2024
Contact Information
Jessica Hartong
Send Email

Registration and sponsorship opportunities will open on August 13 at 8:00am. An announcement will be made in the ACEC/NC weekly email.
Sponsorship opportunities are available to ACEC/NC Members only.
Please contact Tammy Bromley to be added to the general email list or to get an ACEC/NC login (NEEDED to register for a sponsorship)
No registrations will be taken by phone or email.
- Sponsorship opportunities are available for ACEC/NC member firms in good standing. Any firm with outstanding dues or balances will not be permitted to sponsor. Questions: contact Tammy Bromley
- Sponsorship levels must be purchased/confirmed by September 20th and no refunds will be given after this date.
- Booth assignments (assigned in the order of registration time) and exhibitor information will be emailed to the primary contact prior to the conference
- Please email a hi-resolution logo to Tammy Bromley
Returning this year!
Limited to ACEC/NC Member Firms with 50 Full-Time Employees or Less
(10 tables available)
[] *8ft table to display company information at the Opening Reception on Thursday 10/10 from 5pm to 7pm
*Tables will be located at the upper platform near the escalators to the mezzanine (Opening Reception)
[] Company logo (with link to company website) displayed on the conference website
(22 total available - assigned on first come, first serve basis)
[] Six (6) complimentary conference registrations
[] 1 UPPER LEVEL exhibitor booth* with a map pin on the app highlighting your booth location
*Exhibit booths are limited and assigned on a first come, first served basis and will be emailed prior to the conference.
[] Company logo (with link to company website) displayed on the conference website and mobile app
[] Company logo printed/displayed at registration and conference functions
[] Recognition at General Session and Lunch Session
[] Enhanced profile on the mobile app
[] Banner ad on the mobile app
[] Push notification on the mobile app (one notification at a specific time to attendees)
(18 total available - assigned on first come, first serve basis)
[] Four (4) complimentary conference registrations
[]Company logo (with link to company website) displayed on the conference website and mobile app
[] Company logo printed/displayed at registration and conference functions
[] Recognition at General Session and Lunch Session
[] Enhanced profile on the mobile app
[] Banner ad on the mobile app
[] 1 LOBBY LEVEL exhibitor booth* with a map pin on the app highlighting your booth location.
*Exhibit booths are limited and assigned on a first come, first serve basis and will be emailed prior to the conference.
[] Three (3) Complimentary conference registrations
[] Company logo (with link to company website) displayed on the conference website and mobile app
[] Company logo printed/displayed at registration and conference functions
[] Recognition at General Session and Lunch Session
[] Enhanced profile on the mobile app
[] One (1) Complimentary conference registration
[] Company logo (with link to company website) displayed on the conference website and mobile app
[] Company logo printed/displayed at registration and conference functions
[] Recognition at General Session and Lunch Session
WELCOME RECEPTION SPONSOR $5,000 (ONE Exclusive Sponsorship Available) (SOLD)
[] Two (2) Complimentary conference registrations
[] Company logo displayed on the conference website
[] Recognition as the exclusive sponsor at the Welcome Reception
[] Company logo prominently displayed at the Welcome Reception
[] Cocktail napkins with Company Logo at each bar and food station
CLOSING RECEPTION SPONSOR $5,000 (ONE Exclusive Sponsorship Available) (SOLD)
[] Two (2) Complimentary conference registrations
[] Company logo displayed on the conference website
[] Recognition as the exclusive sponsor of the Closing Reception
[] Company logo prominently displayed at the Closing Reception
[] Cocktail napkins with Company Logo at each bar and food station
WI-FI SPONSOR $6,000 (ONE Exclusive Sponsorship Available) (SOLD)
[] Opportunity to create the custom login code for the Wi-Fi connection for all conference attendees
[] Company logo displayed on the conference website
MOBI AWARDS SPONSOR $1,000 (Three Sponsorships Available)
[] Company logo displayed on the slideshow during the Mobi Awards presentation at the lunch hour.
(Please visit the Mobi Awards website for more information)