Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023 Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Sofitel Hotel
806 15th Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
A room block has been reserved for ACEC/NC members at a discounted rate of $429.00.
Reservations will be made by Jessica Hartong via rooming list provided to the hotel and guests will pay on their own upon arrival.
The CUT-OFF DATE for this discounted rate is August 28th. Please register for the event to confirm your room.
Round Trip Bus Travel $300.00 plus a recommended ACEC/PAC Donation of $100
(Please mail a check made to ACEC/PAC to the ACEC/NC office, or call Tammy or Meredith at 919-781-7934)
Includes 9/20 breakfast, snacks, beverages and lunch on the coach & evening reception. On 9/21 includes "grab-n-go" breakfast, snacks and beverages on the coach.
DEADLINE to guarantee a room at our discounted rate is August 28th. After the deadline hotel accommodations & rates are based on availability.
Contact Information
Jessica Hartong
Send Email

ACEC/NC Member Reception with North Carolina Congressional Delegation
Join us September 20th in Washington, D.C. for a reception with our North Carolina Congressional Delegation. This is your chance to make an impact on the decisions that directly affect your business!
Stay tuned for an updated list of confirmed legislators!
This trip is going to be a great evening of networking with key legislators from North Carolina and key staff at the ACEC Townhouse on Capitol Hill!
9:00 am Bus departure for D.C. (343 E Six Forks Rd, Raleigh, NC 27609)
2:00 pm Approximate arrival in Washington, DC
4:30 pm Bus departs Sofitel Hotel
6:00 pm Networking Member Reception with members of NC Congressional Delegation
Thursday, September 21st
8:00 am Departure from Sofitel Hotel
2:00 pm Approximate arrival time in Raleigh